Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Little Miss Dia Beacon

So....we went on a museum trip to Dia Beacon a while back, I had never been or even hear of it before then. However, i was happily surprised. The museum proved to be a most wonderful experience, filled with various different styles of works and artists. This wide variety was spread through out the three floors as well as the outside. There was countless works by innovative artists such as Dan Flavin, Donald Judd, Sol LeWitt, Gerhard Richter, Richard Serra, and even Andy Warhol! The trip did a wonderful job of showing the wide variety of the artistic world and was a beautiful time. I feel that being exposed to such works in such a fashion helped me to think more creatively with my works and will help me in my artistic endeavors.
I was pleased with going on the trip and am glad that we got to explore the museum in its entirety, leaving no project un-looked at!

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