Monday, February 2, 2009

Thoughts, Reactions, and Everything

In the last class, we thoroughly discussed four artists whom i have never had the pleasure of hearing of. These artists, Gregory Crewsdon, Teun Hocks, Cindy Sherman, and Jeff Wall, all successfully use their works of art to create a world of emotions. Out of the four artists, i cant help but feel closest to Gregory Crewsdon and Teun Hocks. Though both very different, these artists both use the same artistic methods and tools to create almost opposing feelings.

Gregory Crewdson creates the atmosphere for his desired photograph and models his figures apart from the setting. He then digitally melds the two together, tweaking the picture to his liking. However, his resulting photos posses a dream-like quality about them. In fact, his photographs often look so fantastical that they often resemble paintings.

Tuen Hock is very similar to Gregory in a way. He creates the backdrops for all of his works and places himself in all of his works, adding a sense of humor to the piece. However, unlike Gregory, Tuen paints on the actual photograph just before its completion. This helps to give the photo both a rich and surreal look.

The remaining two artists, although not my favorite, are also very interesting. They both have incredibly unique styles and differ from both Gregory and Tuen.

Rather then plan out the piece 100%, Jeff Wall has a sense of spontaneity to his work. His pieces seem to portray the world and how it works in one frame snap shots.

Cindy Sherman wins the prize for most unique work. Although it looks like photographs that were taken during the fifties, they are actually done using black and white photography. BUT, she actually creates her own character for each piece and acts out the situation as if it were a black and white film. Props to her on that; very cool.

In conclusion, i feel that these artists are both incredibly creative and innovative. However, none are as cool as one of my personal favorites; Alex Ross.

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