Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Self Visualization: The Return of the Projects

This is the end result of my self visualization. It was done as a Rubix Cube, but i shall post the 6 images separately:

Over all, i feel that this project was a success. Though i struggled with thinking up an idea from the beginning, i greatly enjoy my results. The use of an actual rubix cube helped give the project a very personal feeling, through its hand-held size.


This here is the poem i shall be using for my final project:

Robot Boy
by Tim Burton

Mr. and Mrs. Smith had a wonderful life.
They were a normal, happy husband and wife.
One day they got news that made Mr. Smith glad.
Mrs. Smith would be a mom,
which would make him the dad!
But something was wrong with their bundle of joy.
It wasn't human at all,
it was a robot boy!
He wasn't warm and cuddly
and he didn't have skin.
Instead, there was a cold, thin layer of tin.
There were wires and tubes sticking out of his head.
He just lay there and stared,
not living or dead.
The only time he seemed alive at all
was with a long extension cord
plugged into the wall.

Mr. Smith yelled at the doctor,
"What have you done to my boy?
He's not flesh and blood,
he's aluminum alloy!"

The doctor said gently,
"This will sound pretty wild.
But you're not the father
of this strange-looking child.
You see, there is still some question
about the child's gender,
but we think that it's father
is a microwave blender."

The Smith's lives were now filled
with misery and strife.
Mrs. Smith hated her husband,
and he hated his wife.
He never forgave her unholy alliance:
a sexual encounter
with a kitchen appliance.

And Robot Boy
grew to be a young man.

Though he was often mistaken
for a garbage can.

As for the idea behind my book, it is going to be very similar to the styling of a children book. I will also construct the robot boy itself and use it to present my book. It will be inside of the robot so that you have to open it to find the pages.

Little Miss Dia Beacon

So....we went on a museum trip to Dia Beacon a while back, I had never been or even hear of it before then. However, i was happily surprised. The museum proved to be a most wonderful experience, filled with various different styles of works and artists. This wide variety was spread through out the three floors as well as the outside. There was countless works by innovative artists such as Dan Flavin, Donald Judd, Sol LeWitt, Gerhard Richter, Richard Serra, and even Andy Warhol! The trip did a wonderful job of showing the wide variety of the artistic world and was a beautiful time. I feel that being exposed to such works in such a fashion helped me to think more creatively with my works and will help me in my artistic endeavors.
I was pleased with going on the trip and am glad that we got to explore the museum in its entirety, leaving no project un-looked at!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Digital Imaging and the Blustery Day

Been a while since i have posted!!!!

Here's a "word visualization" assignment i did for class. I chose the word "Spin" and made a simple, yet playful, illustration.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Project 2: The Electric Boogaloo

For this next project, i have a few ideas that i really enjoy. There are many things that can be done with this assignment, imagination seems to be the only restriction. The assignment is to express multiple aspects of who i am. When creating this project, i intend on keeping these main ideas in mind:
-Events in my life
-Aspects of my personality
-What I enjoy

I haven't decided if this project shall be more on the conceptual side or the perceptual side. In fact it might even be a bit of both. I'm really looking forward to this piece and i intend on having a lot of fun with it!

Cui Xiuwen + Cindy Sherman + Frida Kahlo = Mad Feminist Art

These three particular artists, through the use of their differing forms of art, all create a visually strong message. They help to solidify the role of women in the art world and can be considered to be strong influences in the feminist art world. They also show how wide a variety the Feminist Art Community possesses.

Cui Xiuwen: Through the use of photography, this artist grabs moments in time that tell emotional stories. She also seems to use computer art to help increase the saturation of her images; causing the naturalistic elements to really pop out of the picture. She takes pictures of landscapes and then crops figures into the moment, creating emotionally gripping pieces.

Cindy Sherman: This artist, as i had mentioned in a previous post, is a very innovative one. She would plan out her pieces with precise attention to detail. She would then put herself into the art and create characters for each piece, which she would put through different situations; taking photographs of the events being acted out.

Frida Kahlo: This artist differs very much from the previous two, her form of art is a more classical take. She was a renowned painter who would illustrate the troubles that she had to go through during her life. Her pieces, though surreal and abnormal, were emotionally invoking.

Project 1: Illustrated with a Vengence

Here is my final product, Gorillustrated.

And here is that other one i did!